Area | Level ID(s) | Outstanding Test Feature / Reason to Visit | Last Visit | Best Recent Image(s) |
Paris | S000059, S000128 | Very dense buildings & point trees. Eiffel Tower & Arc de Triomphe! | Internal.2023-06-01 | |
Manchester | S000108 | We have a lot of detailed buildings for this area | Internal.2023-06-01 | |
Everest | S000703 | Extreme elevation and empty spaces with no features | Internal.2023-06-01 | |
Colorado Springs | S000722, S000726 | Mix of dense-urban and wilderness | Internal.2023-06-01 | |
Penrhyn Quarry | S000715 | Considerably hilly region. Lake at the bottom of a quarry | Internal.2023-05-31 | |
Fort Lauderdale | S000291 | Residential area with lots of snaking lakes. Two nearby sports parks | Internal.2023-05-25 | |
Rio de Janeiro | S000019, S000040 | Extreme topology & complex roads. Cristo Redentor! | Internal.2023-05-25 | |
Liverpool | S000295 | Urban, coastal | Internal.2023-05-25 | |
Matola (Spain) | S000708 | Very rural area with high tree density - extreme edge case for per-mesh performance | Internal.2023-05-25 | |
Dublin | S000702 | River and coast | Internal.2023-05-25 | |
Barlow | S000258 | It's where our office is so we really know how it should look | Internal.2023-05-24 | |
Isle of Man | S000738 | The TT circuit! | Internal.2023-05-24 | |
London | S000018 | Dense mapping | Internal.2023-05-24 | |
Tuvalu | S000003 | There is a lot of coast | Internal.2023-05-23 | |
Kabul (AFG) | S000129 | Exceptionally dense buildings. Siarate Sakhi Shrine. | Internal.2023-05-23 | |
Liberty Island | S000023, S000026 | Lots of Coast. High-density Buildings. Statue of Liberty! | Internal.2023-05-22 |
C:\Users\Oasis> UE4_Z copy --siteids S000295 --tileids T000495
lhc@s23: sudo -u www-data /var/www/html/Oasis/Code/python/ UPD20220314 --siteids S000295 --jsonstrings '{"S02": 5.0, "S03": 7.5}'
lhc@S23:~$ SCL() { RQD=/var/www/html/Oasis/tmp/SCL00_Request; sudo touch $RQD/$1.json.lock; echo "{}" > $RQD/$1.json; sudo chown www-data:Oasis $RQD/$1.json; sudo chmod u=rw,g=rw,o= $RQD/$1.json; sudo rm $RQD/$1.json.lock; } lhc@S23:~$ SCL S000295
lhc@S23:~$ sudo -u www-data /var/www/html/Oasis/Code/python/ UPD20210705 --siteids S000295 --tileids T000495 T000498 T000537 ... lhc@S23:~$ sudo -u www-data /var/www/html/Oasis/Code/python/ UPD20210320 --siteids S000295 --doit ... lhc@S23:~$ SCL S000295