You are here: Foswiki>Oasis Web>Diary>2023>2023-02-22 (23 Feb 2023, lhc)Edit Attach
2023-02-21 | 2023-02-22 | 2023-02-23


Area Level ID(s) Outstanding Test Feature / Reason to Visit Last Visit Best Recent Image(s)
Paris S000059, S000128 Very dense buildings & point trees. Eiffel Tower & Arc de Triomphe! Internal.2023-06-01
Manchester S000108 We have a lot of detailed buildings for this area Internal.2023-06-01
Everest S000703 Extreme elevation and empty spaces with no features Internal.2023-06-01
Colorado Springs S000722, S000726 Mix of dense-urban and wilderness Internal.2023-06-01
Penrhyn Quarry S000715 Considerably hilly region. Lake at the bottom of a quarry Internal.2023-05-31
Fort Lauderdale S000291 Residential area with lots of snaking lakes. Two nearby sports parks Internal.2023-05-25
Rio de Janeiro S000019, S000040 Extreme topology & complex roads. Cristo Redentor! Internal.2023-05-25
Liverpool S000295 Urban, coastal Internal.2023-05-25
Matola (Spain) S000708 Very rural area with high tree density - extreme edge case for per-mesh performance Internal.2023-05-25
Dublin S000702 River and coast Internal.2023-05-25
Barlow S000258 It's where our office is so we really know how it should look Internal.2023-05-24
Isle of Man S000738 The TT circuit! Internal.2023-05-24
London S000018 Dense mapping Internal.2023-05-24
Tuvalu S000003 There is a lot of coast Internal.2023-05-23
Kabul (AFG) S000129 Exceptionally dense buildings. Siarate Sakhi Shrine. Internal.2023-05-23
Liberty Island S000023, S000026 Lots of Coast. High-density Buildings. Statue of Liberty! Internal.2023-05-22
Included from...


Last night, I ended in Liverpool by requesting all AS30's inside my expanded radius. How did they get on?
20230222 LHC 001.jpg

It's still processing! Wow. That's more errors than I'd like, though. Let's investigate.

  1. Error investigation
    • Count the errors:
      lhc@S23:~$ clear; find /var/www/html/Oasis/tmp/A*Failure/ -type f  | wc -l
      • That means there's actually 21 errors, because each one has a .json file and a .stderr file. 21 is the amount of failed AS30's I can see on the map, so that's reassuring, in a way.
    • Investigate the errors:
      lhc@S23:~$ clear; find /var/www/html/Oasis/tmp/A*Failure/ -type f  | sort
      • This involves a lot of cat 'ing .stderr files. It's not particularly exciting, so I'll spare the nitty-gritty. In short, all but one of the AS30's failed because of TopologyExceptions - this is usually lines that are too close together, or ways that cross without a node at the junction, etc. One particular AS30 failed, citing this reason:                002121 ERROR: Calculated height is not a number                002121 ERROR: Calculated height is not a number                015906 ERROR: Node[25573] is inside 2 WATER polygons (0 or 1 expected)              000276 ERROR: File /var/www/html/Oasis/Data001/M30/53_15_00_N_002_45_00_W/53_26_15_N_002_57_45_W/53_26_15_N_002_57_45_W_F056_Aerodrome.json does not exist
      • That's interesting.
  2. Error Investigation - Deep Dive
    • To investigate the above issue, I'm going to run OSM-MeshJSON on the command line (without --doit). THis allows me to see the exact output I get for this AS30, without recreating it and clogging up our OSR's.
      lhc@S23:~$ OSM-MeshJSON --as30refs 53_26_15_N_002_58_15_W
    • Straight away, I have a new multi-classification to address:
      <3>015066 ERROR: Element multi-classified as ['RAILWAYAREA', 'SCRUB'] (type=way id=180893494)
      • Fixed that - I chose to keep the scrub.
    • I've also been doing some OSM work - there's a few bad practices:
      • Lines crossing way boundaries without a junction node;
      • Ways crossing into each other!
      • Ways with ways inside them, that aren't relations...
      • The list goes on.
    • In some instances, I've fixed the issues, in others, I've reduced the AS30's BufferArcSeconds. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be in!


Previously... Oasis.2023-01-31#Regression_Testing_45_Dublin

I want to see how Dublin looks with 'flat water' instead of the OSM height override, so I need to remove the OSM array from all the affected AS30s. So I don't forget, this what the JSON looks like:

   "OSMHeights": [
         "Height": 0.0,
         "areashrink": -0.15,
         "id": 47864604,
         "type": "way"
Topic revision: r4 - 23 Feb 2023, lhc
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