You are here: Foswiki>Oasis Web>Diary>2023>2023-02-23 (23 Feb 2023, lhc)Edit Attach
2023-02-22 | 2023-02-23 | 2023-02-24


Area Level ID(s) Outstanding Test Feature / Reason to Visit Last Visit Best Recent Image(s)
Paris S000059, S000128 Very dense buildings & point trees. Eiffel Tower & Arc de Triomphe! Internal.2023-06-01
Manchester S000108 We have a lot of detailed buildings for this area Internal.2023-06-01
Everest S000703 Extreme elevation and empty spaces with no features Internal.2023-06-01
Colorado Springs S000722, S000726 Mix of dense-urban and wilderness Internal.2023-06-01
Penrhyn Quarry S000715 Considerably hilly region. Lake at the bottom of a quarry Internal.2023-05-31
Fort Lauderdale S000291 Residential area with lots of snaking lakes. Two nearby sports parks Internal.2023-05-25
Rio de Janeiro S000019, S000040 Extreme topology & complex roads. Cristo Redentor! Internal.2023-05-25
Liverpool S000295 Urban, coastal Internal.2023-05-25
Matola (Spain) S000708 Very rural area with high tree density - extreme edge case for per-mesh performance Internal.2023-05-25
Dublin S000702 River and coast Internal.2023-05-25
Barlow S000258 It's where our office is so we really know how it should look Internal.2023-05-24
Isle of Man S000738 The TT circuit! Internal.2023-05-24
London S000018 Dense mapping Internal.2023-05-24
Tuvalu S000003 There is a lot of coast Internal.2023-05-23
Kabul (AFG) S000129 Exceptionally dense buildings. Siarate Sakhi Shrine. Internal.2023-05-23
Liberty Island S000023, S000026 Lots of Coast. High-density Buildings. Statue of Liberty! Internal.2023-05-22
Included from...


Previously... Oasis.2023-02-22#Liverpool

Today, in Liverpool, I have much fewer errors - let's address them.

I'll start by revisiting the unusual 'Node is inside 2 WATER polygons' issue:

  1. What's the issue?
    ...                015911 ERROR: Node[25583] is inside 2 WATER polygons (0 or 1 expected)
    • This is stopping OSM-MeshJSON in its tracks, which is causing the AS30 creation to fail. What's the problem, then? To know this, we must first find the problem.
  2. Where's the issue?
    • Below is our entry for the node in our aptly-named .node file for this AS30:
      25583    -269.34772210544907  -179.90359520353377    0
    • These coordinates are in Earth-North-Up - we need them in Decimal Degrees. Let's convert:
                                  # The python file                                  # The function   # ENU-X               # ENU-Y                # ENU-Z   # AS30 Lat DD   # AS30 Lon DD
      lhc@S23:~$ sudo -u www-data /var/www/html/Oasis/Code/python/ ENUtoDD          -269.34772210544907   -179.90359520353377    0         53.4375         -2.9625000000000004
            010894 Verbose1: 2023-02-23 10:17:16.431464         010895 Verbose1: uid  = 33         010896 Verbose1: euid = 33
      <6>011011 Info: ddLat=53.43588346649576 ddLon=-2.9665528326263026
      <6>011013 Info: DMS =  53° 26'  9.18" N   2° 57' 59.59" W
      <6>011014 Info: DMS = 53 26 09 N 002 57 59 W         011105 Verbose1: OK (Exit=0)
    • Alright - that tells us where we are. Which is?
      20230223 LHC 001.jpg
    • The issue (I think) is that this is a relation, and both the relation way and it's outer are tagged as water. I've removed the water tag from the outer - let's see how this goes now.

That was it! With that issue sorted, I've cleaned the three Tiles and the Site. Now, to get in there and have a gander.

Unfortunately, it's taken intil 16:40 to get to this point. One machine tried to laod the level for 4 hours before I decided to kill it - I'm calling this the Paris Problem. Your 7.5km radius might be good for Barlow, but not for a densely-mapepd city, like Paris (or Liverpool, in this case). One of our more powerful ones did manage, though, so here's some nice screenshots:

20230223 LHC 002.png 20230223 LHC 004.png 20230223 LHC 005.png

Whilst on that powerful machine, I emptied the Site's MeshesENU - any machine should be able to open it now, which means any machine can do the clean I've just issued after reducing the radii'.
Topic revision: r3 - 23 Feb 2023, lhc
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