2023-02-23 | 2023-02-24 |
Regression Testing
Previously... Oasis.2023-02-23#Liverpool
Success! The smaller radius works a treat - and it's still wide enough to where the other Tiles are still part of the circle! Have some nice images:
This feels like a good point to leave Liverpool, and move on to the next Test Area - Kabul.
Kabul is the capital of Afghanistan, and sits in a particularly mountainous area. Its buildings are also
very densely mapped, and there's a beautiful shrine, the 'Sakhi Shah-e Mardan' Shrine, close to the center of it.
Yesterday, I created an M30, AS30 and Tile for this shrine, (which it very conveniently sits close to the middle of) so let's take a gander now.
- Initial Inspection
- Region Cleaning
- Add the M30 to the Region
- Which region is Afghanistan?
lhc@S23:~$ find /var/www/html/Oasis/Data001/Regions/. -type d -exec sh -c 'grep -H "AFG" "$0/${0##*/}.json" && echo "$0/${0##*/}.json"' {} \;
/var/www/html/Oasis/Data001/Regions/./R000020/R000020.json: "ISO3166": "AFG",
- Add the M30 to the AFG Region
lhc@S23:~$ alias ORU_AddKeys="sudo -u www-data /var/www/html/Oasis/Code/python/OasisRegionsUtility.py UPD20221130"
lhc@S23:~$ ORU_AddKeys --regionids R000020 --jsonstrings '{"Dirty": ["34_45_00_N_069_15_00_E"], "Holes": ["34_45_00_N_069_15_00_E"]}'
lhc@S23:~$ ORU_AddKeys --regionids R000020 --jsonstrings '{"Dirty": ["34_45_00_N_069_15_00_E"], "Holes": ["34_45_00_N_069_15_00_E"]}' --doit --overwrite
OasisRegionsUtility.py 000830 Verbose1: 2023-02-24 10:16:22.652351
OasisRegionsUtility.py 000831 Verbose1: uid = 33
OasisRegionsUtility.py 000832 Verbose1: euid = 33
OasisRegionsUtility.py 000069 Verbose2: Processing directory R000020
OasisRegionsUtility.py 000864 Verbose1: Info: Directory entries processed (000068) = 1
OasisRegionsUtility.py 000864 Verbose1: Info: Directory entries skipped (000066) = 257
OasisRegionsUtility.py 000864 Verbose1: Info: Directory entries total (000063) = 258
OasisRegionsUtility.py 000864 Verbose1: Info: Key 'Dirty' added (000602) = 1
OasisRegionsUtility.py 000864 Verbose1: Info: Key 'Holes' added (000602) = 1
OasisRegionsUtility.py 000864 Verbose1: Info: LockResponse Type=locksuccess (000077) = 1
OasisRegionsUtility.py 000864 Verbose1: Info: LockResponse Type=releasesuccess (000085) = 1
OasisRegionsUtility.py 000864 Verbose1: Info: Region JSON read (000081) = 1
OasisRegionsUtility.py 000864 Verbose1: Info: Updated Region JSON written (000608) = 1
OasisRegionsUtility.py 000872 Verbose1: OK (Exit=0)
lhc@S23:~$ alias M3U_AddKeysToM30="sudo -u www-data /var/www/html/Oasis/Code/python/OasisM30Utility.py UPD20220214"
lhc@S23:~$ M3U_AddKeysToM30 --m30refs 34_45_00_N_069_15_00_E --jsonstrings '{"Regions": ["R000020"]}'
lhc@S23:~$ alias ORU_RemoveM30s="sudo -u www-data /var/www/html/Oasis/Code/python/OasisRegionsUtility.py UPD20221226"
lhc@S23:~$ ORU_RemoveM30s R000020 R000001
- Clean the Dirty Region
lhc@S23:~$ RCL() { RQD=/var/www/html/Oasis/tmp/R10_Request; sudo touch $RQD/$1.json.lock; echo "{}" > $RQD/$1.json; sudo chown www-data:Oasis $RQD/$1.json; sudo chmod u=rw,g=rw,o= $RQD/$1.json; sudo rm $RQD/$1.json.lock; }
lhc@S23:~$ RCL R000020
Much better.
The shrine's OSM building.
- Site Creation
- Issue a Site Creation Request
lhc@S23:~$ SCR --siteid S000129 --sitename "Sakhi Shrine, Kabul (AFG)" --kustomerid K000002 --lat 34.51994999252007 --lon 69.1466510295868 --kustomerref "Sakhi Shrine, Kabul (AFG)"; cat /var/www/html/Oasis/tmp/SCR00_Request/S000129.json
- Clean the Site after adding the Tile reference
lhc@S23:~$ SCL() { RQD=/var/www/html/Oasis/tmp/SCL00_Request; sudo touch $RQD/$1.json.lock; echo "{}" > $RQD/$1.json; sudo chown www-data:Oasis $RQD/$1.json; sudo chmod u=rw,g=rw,o= $RQD/$1.json; sudo rm $RQD/$1.json.lock; }
lhc@S23:~$ SCL S000129
- Exacttly what I'd expect to see with a Tile-hole for a single AS30:
- Issued AS30 Creation Requests for the 8 AS30's surrounding the Tile.